[:en]Oumuamua- Asteroid or Alien Ship[:es]Oumuamua- Asteroide o Nave Alienígena[:]

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[:en]As of 2017 there is confusion among astronomers around the world due to the presence of a strange object that, in its beginnings, crossed near the Sun, based on its speed and unusual trajectory, reddish color and huge size (measured almost like a football stadium) it was determined that it could be an asteroid not belonging to our solar system. However, at present two Harvard scientists pointed out that it could be an alien ship. This object known as Oumuamua is flattened, long and capable of accelerating its route through the solar system. Because of this last feature is considered different from other comets.

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Unusual trajectory and implications of being an alien ship

All this unusual dynamics led to two researchers studying the phenomenon in depth. Their conclusions indicate that it could be a probe operated intentionally to approach the Earth. Although these experts do not stipulate that they were aliens who sent her to our planet, they do notice after a deep mathematical analysis of their movement, that it would not be unreasonable to think that it was a ship driven by sunlight.

Abbraham Loeb, head of the department of astronomy of Harvard, stipulated that it is impossible to guess the purpose of Oumuamua without having more data. Loeb does not rule out that it can be an object that floats in an interstellar way into our system.

Both Loeb and Shmuel Bialy, both Harvard researchers, point out that to indicate that it is an “alien ship” is a bit exotic; although not impossible. They understand that it would be very complex for an object of that size to move only with sunlight as a source of power since it is not in accordance with the laws of dynamics itself.

This mystery would be solved possibly at the time when Oumuamua is close to Earth.


The mysterious and enigmatic Oumuamua keeps the scientific community in suspense since they have not yet been able to explain infallibly whether it is an asteroid or not and also the unusualness of its movement. It is unknown what is the purpose of being a probe or spacecraft. In addition, it is uncertain the implications that this phenomenon could bring to our planet as it passes close by.

It seems that we must wait for it to come closer so that we can evaluate it and determine the effects that might come from passing close to Earth.

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[:es]A partir del 2017 existe desconcierto entre los astrónomos del mundo por la presencia de un extraño objeto que en sus inicios surcaba cerca del Sol. Basándose en su velocidad e inusual trayectoria, color rojizo y tamaño descomunal (mide casi igual que un estadio de fútbol) se determinó que podía ser un asteroide no perteneciente a nuestro sistema solar. Sin embargo, en la actualidad dos científicos de Harvard  señalaron que podría ser una nave alienígena. Este objeto conocido como Oumuamua es aplanado, largo y capaz de acelerar su ruta a través del sistema solar. Debido a ésto última característica se le considera distinto a otros cometas.

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Inusual trayectoria e implicaciones de tratarse de una nave alienígena

Toda esta inusual dinámica llevó a que dos investigadores estudiaran a fondo el fenómeno. Sus conclusiones indican que podría tratarse de una sonda operada de manera intencional para acercarse a la Tierra. Aunque estos expertos no estipulan que fueran unos alienígenas quienes la enviaron a nuestro planeta, sí advierten después de un profundo análisis matemático de su movimiento, que no sería descabellado pensar que se tratase de ua nave impulsada por luz solar.

Abraham Loeb, jefe del departamento de astronomía de Harvard, estipuló que es imposible adivinar el propósito de Oumuamua sin contar con más datos. Loeb no descarta que pueda ser un objeto que flota de manera interestelar hacia nuestro sistema.

Tanto Loeb como Shmuel Bialy, ambos investigadores de Harvard, señalan que el indicar que sea una “nave alien” resulta un poco exótico; aunque no imposible. Entienden que sería muy complejo que un objeto de ese tamaño se mueva únicamente con luz solar como fuente de poder ya que no va acorde a las propias leyes de la dinámica.

Este misterio sería resuelto posiblemente al momento en que Oumuamua esté cercano a la Tierra.


El misterioso y enigmático Oumuamua mantiene en vilo a la comunidad científica ya que aún no han podido explicar de forma infalible si es un asteroide o no y tampoco lo inusual de su movimiento. Se desconoce cual sea el propósito de tratarse de una sonda o nave espacial. Además, es incierto las implicaciones que este fenómeno pudiera traer a nuestro planeta al pasar cercano.

Tal parece que debemos esperar a que se aproxime para poder evaluarlo y determinar los efectos que pudiera traernos al pasar cercanos de la Tierra.

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