

Are Hurricanes Irma and María created by Men?

The weather around the world has changed radically. Some blame global warming caused the pollution that in turn is caused by humans. In that order, we can say that we control our weather and the current crisis. However, the actual behavior of this phenomena shows a certain intelligence not characteristic of something “not-alive”. In 2017, Hurricane Irma and Maria were the most intense. In addition, we must remember that hurricane Maria went from category 1 to 5 in just 15 hours, just before passing through Puerto Rico. Is it possible that there is geoclimatic engineering involved? Some believe that yes.

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The mysterious death of Juan Ramon Saenz

Juan Ramon Saenz was a well-known Mexican broadcaster for his successful program “La Mano Peluda”. In this radio program, the audience called to tell their experiences or paranormal stories generally occurred to him or someone close to it. Juan Ramon was known for the respect in which he treated those who told his stories. Juan Ramon did not make fun of his interviewees and treated each case as a paranormal case. This allowed him to be objective while at the same time collaborating with his knowledge to the interviewee. Many times he helped people who were going through difficult situations because of paranormal experiences and in some cases, he offered to follow up the story with an investigation.

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